I worked for Stan in Newcastle from 1978 till 1981 or 82. I feel the same as when my Dad died: a guiding light in my life has gone out. Stan (or Mister Grierson Sir, as it made him smile to be addressed) was an unforgettable boss. On the surface he could be formidable, particularly when he scented imprecision. He was never happier than when editing our business letters pouncing on unnecessary adverbs: I still reread my email drafts with him in mind, and many of my working habits are his. But his intelligence was made light by his wit. One evening I was last man out of the office, and went next door to the pub. After 4 or 5 beers (...times have changed) I picked up my jacket to find I didn't have the office keys. In the phone box to call Whitley Bay. "Mr. Grierson Sir, I've done a stupid thing." and told him the story and my concern that a bloke in the pub might have lifted them. "Should I get the office locks changed ?" After 30 seconds conversation Stan said no, they'll turn up. I apologised again: "I'm really annoyed with myself, I don't normally lose things", and Stan couldn't resist: "Never mind, David, it could have been your virginity." Another time standing in the Newcastle office, and one of the office girls took her life in her hands by putting her tongue out at him. Straightaway she realised her mistake, and blushed, but without missing a beat Stan said "Next time you do that, I expect you to be standing very, very much closer." Much too funny to laugh out loud at, but had us all grinning like idiots at each other. Having seen Stan a few years ago on TV I tracked him down and we met for occasional dinners and lunches, his playfulness and keen intellect undimmed. It was a great privilege to at last after our conversations about music to play a Rachmaninov Prelude for him, tell him how much I enjoyed working for him, and how great his influence had been on me over the years. How he taught me by example that it’s possible to combine purposefulness and determination with kindness and care. No other manager in 35 years since then has come even close. Thank you Mr. Grierson Sir.