Graham Falconer 21st March 2020

Stan was my Burroughs Branch Manager at Longbenton 1978 to 1982 so of course my wife Margaret and I knew both him and his first wife Linda. I note in my diary 20 July 1980- Stan phoned to say that a son has been born and he will be called Gavin. I note that on 12 Aug 1979 we went to Stan and Linda's for lunch and then a stroll on Whitley Bay and then we sat on the sands. We both recall the incongruity of Stan dressed in a safari suit - popular in the 1960s, sporting a cravat. On another occasion I remember one of the salesman in the office saying to Stan, that suit you're wearing has, after 15 years, come back into fashion! I note that on many occasions Stan and Karen went to the Whitley Bay or Tynemouth swimming pools with me and my two children. At that time he and 8 of us went to Glasgow but he booked us B&B on the way at his mother's house in Penpont - chargeable of course. Her first words were "are you interested in the stock market"? So that's where his interest came from. He was a remarkable character, a great boss, good sense of humour, incredible ability to remember names. Loyal and honest. On several occasions we chartered a light aircraft to fly prospects to Edinburgh for demonstrations. On 2 occasions he allowed me to takeover control much to the concern of our prospects but we assured them that we did this all the time - no H&S in those days!