I had the privilege of knowing Stan from the early 70s when we worked together in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It was always apparent that he was a person of total integrity and honesty and we remained friends for over 40 years. Three memories stand out for me. He gave me unstinting help in investments which he gave up a lot of time and effort to achieve. As it turns out all his advice was totally correct and that just doesn't surprise me. The second occasion occurred when we were having lunch in a pub in Henley and Stan ordered a couple of pints from the barman who said "six pounds please". Stan's response was "No. I think you'll find that it's forty two pounds to me. I own The Glass Mountain and you owe us forty eight pounds for glasses so I'll take the forty two balance in cash now". Needless to say they paid up. Stan and I regularly lunched together over the last few years and that was always a great pleasure. I was privileged to visit him at Stoke Mandeville a few days before he passed away. When I asked him how often the doctors called in to see him he said "Every couple of days - to reassure me that I'm dying". Only Stan would have had the fortitude to say that. He was a great friend, a lovely person and I'll miss him dreadfully. My thoughts are with Barbara and the children at this very sad time. Richard Jones